software_DNA Connectors support the most extensive list of eCommerce solutions that provide secure and automated delivery of Licenses.
We strongly believe in a fully automated end-to-end Purchase process for your customers and have partnered with multiple eCommerce solutions to give you the benefit of multiple solutions to meet your requirements.
These are codes that expire in License Activation Code(s) are automatically delivered to your Buyer after Purchase on your Web-Store. Display or send an email with all the License information.
For each of your SKU"s in your Web-store, you can specify detailed License Parameters in line with your Marketing and Pricing strategies.
Offer upgrades to existing Licenses, or upgrades to new Versions and the Connectors will update or issue new License Activation Codes as required.
Offer discounted pricing to your existing users when they upgrade to the new Version of your application. The Connectors can validate that a Buyer has an existing and valid License before the Order is processed.
Offer yearly Software Maintenance option, as an additional revenue stream. Allow your users to benefit from FREE or discounted upgrades as long as their maintenance subscription is active.
Your eCommerce solution manages the commercial side of the Subscription - purchase, payments, renewals, payment grace periods, etc. The software_DNA Connector manages the License itself, issuing the Activation Code and turning off the License on the Expiration Date or its cancellation.
(**) eCommerce & DNA Connector support Subscription Licensing