To facilitate converting your existing users' licenses to software_DNA, we've developed tools and recommendations to make this conversion as easy and as fast as possible.
With software_DNA, You can:
It’s an important decision for your business and requires some planning and strategy. And we’re there to help you streamline this transition.
This is the core of the plan.
A “Gradual" transition implies that you operate two licensing schemes during the transition (months to years), and makes sense for the following:
A “Complete” transition implies a quick transition to avoid operating two licensing schemes, and makes sense for the following:
software_DNA offers a complete and free testing environment (we call it “TESTING MODE”) where you can completely implement software_DNA in your upgraded Application, connect it to your eCommerce/Store-Front, and fully test the overall end-to-end process until you are satisfied.
There are several implementation options which you code into your upgraded Application, based on how you want to present the licensing process to your Users. Annotated Source Code Samples, IDE Projects and Developer Guides are available for most IDE’s and programming languages as downloads from your DNA Control Panel account.
Implementing software_DNA within your Application can be done in a matter of hours, followed by a couple of days of thorough testing.
Finally, configuring our eCommerce Connectors is easy with our step-by-step online Integration Guides.
New Users will get their License Activation Code when they purchase the upgraded Application using software_DNA, typically via your eCommerce Store-Front, connected to software_DNA for automatically issuing the License Activation Codes.
For Existing Users, there are multiple possible options based on your overall strategy (free or paid upgrade, discount for existing users, …) and the capabilities of your eCommerce/Store-Front solution.
In most cases, you will want to time the transition to a new licensing solution with your next Application upgrade/version, or with your next new Application launch.
New Users will just use your new licensing solution.
Existing Users who decide to upgrade your Application (i.e. download the next version), will need to know how to activate the Application on your new licensing scheme and possibly receive a new License Activation Code. (see below).