Last Modified January 20, 2021

RESTful API Response Codes

The software_DNA RESTful API will respond with the following HTTP Response Codes and a JSON-based string in the Response body as follows:

  • the resource information for a HTTP 200 OK Response Code, or
  • an error message for any other HTTP Response Code
Success HTTP Status Code Description
200 OK Resource detail as a JSON string returned in Response body
204 No Content The Request has been processed succesfully. No Response body
Error HTTP Status Code Description
400 Bad Request one of the parameters was invalid or missing - check error message in Response for details
401 Unauthorized Basic Authentication failed - verify that you are using the correct <clientId> and <apiKey> information in the Basic Authentication Header
403 Forbidden The resource authentication (ex: license password) provided did not match the current information
404 Not Found The requested resource was not found (ex: a license activation code)
409 Conflict A Test Event was received successfuly for an ACTIVE Product - the request was valid but the requested action was not completed.
429 Too Many Requests You have exceeded the allowed maximum of API Requests in the period - check "X-RateLimit-Reset" Header for the number of seconds remaining before reset
500 Internal Error An error occured on the DNA Server - try again later. Tech Support has been notified

Example of API Error Response

  "Message": "Invalid ProductId format"