Last Modified January 20, 2021

License Resource Object

Parameter Name Type Description
ProductID string the DNA ProductID of the License
SoftwareDescription string Description as set in the DNA ProductID configuration
ProductSKU string ProductSKU as set in the DNA ProductID configuration
LicenseCode string the License Activation Code
Status string a string including three(3) KeyWords that describe the status of the license
Exists Type Status

An additional KeyWord of "VALID" is added if the License matches:

LicenseType string

of the format <type> ( <max devices> ) where :

type Description
SU Single-User License with User Authentication and Roll-Over Re-activation
NR Single-User License with User Authentication and without Roll-Over Re-activation
NP Single-User License withouth User Authentication and without Roll-Over Re-activation
MU Multi-User License
F Floating Multi-User License
MuAdminPassSet bool For Multi-User & Floating licenses, indicates if Admin Password is set
LicenseDescription string text description of License Type
LicenseCodeType string one of ACTIVATION, EVALUATION or TEST
ActivationEmail string the current Email Address for this License
ActivationDate string date of the initial activation of the License from the User’s computer system
OfflineActivation bool indicates if Offline Activation was used, and should not be allowed to delete devices from License
ServerActivationDate string date of the initial activation of the License from the DNA Servers
ExpiryNoDays int if set, the number of days after activation when the License will expire
ExpiryDate string if the License expires, and is activated, the date when the License will expire
LastReactivationDate string date of the last Re-activation, if one has occured
LastValidationDate string date of the last Server Validation, if one has occured
ValidationLimitDate string for Licenses using Level 3 Validation, the date when the License will expire if no Server Validation occurs
LicenseData string current content of the <License_data> custom field
Language string current setting for the License, used for delivery of Custom Emails to the End-User
MaximumDevices int maximum number of activated devices allowed for this License
NowDevices int number of activated devices on this License at the time of the Request
Devices an Array of <Device> currently activated on this License. A <Device> is defined as:
Parameter Name Type Description
DeviceName string the name of the device as defined on the device’s OS, if available
DeviceId string anonymous hash uniquely identifying this Device
DeviceActivationDate string date of the activation of this device
InfoTag string the last InfoTag received from the APP for this License
PageNo int current page of devices in response - default is 1
PageSize int number of devices in each page - default is 25
FirstPage string the API Request URL to retrieve the first page of devices
LasPage string the API Request URL to retrieve the last page of devices
PreviousPage string the API Request URL to retrieve the previous page of devices, if PageNo > 1
Next Page string the API Request URL to retrieve the next page of devices, if PageNo < TotalPages
TotalRecords int total number of devices for this License
TotalPages int total number of pages of devices for this License


Example of API Response with License Details

  "ProductId": "<productId>",
  "SoftwareDescription": "HelloWorld RAPID",
  "ProductSku": "HelloWorld",
  "LicenseCode": "TEST12345",
  "LicenseType": "NR (1)",
  "LicenseDescription": "Single-User / 2-device(s)",
  "LicenseCodeType": "Activation",
  "ActivationEmail": "",
  "ActivationDate": "2020-05-26T10:01:03",
  "ServerActivationDate": "2020-05-26T10:01:03",
  "ExpiryNoDays": 90,
  "ExpiryDate": "2020-08-24T00:00:00",
  "LastReactivationDate": "2020-05-26T10:57:10",
  "ValidationLimitDate": "2020-06-25T10:01:03",
  "LicenseData": "",
  "Language": "EN",
  "MaximumDevices": 2,
  "NowDevices": 1,
  "PageNo": 1,
  "PageSize": 25,
  "FirstPage": "<productId>/TEST12345?page_no=1&page_size=25",
  "LastPage": "<productId>/TEST12345?page_no=1&page_size=25",
  "TotalRecords": 1,
  "TotalPages": 1,
  "Devices": [
      "DeviceName": "MAC-Chrome",
      "DeviceId": "138d46869f6111ea907b000d3a126e34",
      "DeviceActivationDate": "2020-05-26T10:57:10"