Last Modified June 7, 2024

2Checkout (Verifone) Configuration

  1. Configuration of the Electronic Delivery Dynamic List
  2. Configuration of the IPN Notification
  3. Configuration of the LCN Notification

2Checkout Product Configurations

To allow Subscription Licenses, your 2Checkout account must be set-up to allow Subscriptions - please request this from your 2Checkout Account representative.

Your 2Checkout Products that you want connected to software_DNA can be configured as:

  • regular or non-Subscription products - Perpetual Licenses are issued
  • a Subscription with "One-Time-Biling" Pricing - a Perpetual License is issued in software_DNA
  • a Subscription with "Recurring Billing" Pricing - a Subscription License is issued in software_DNA


Configuration of the Electronic Delivery Dynamic List

The software_DNA Connector acts as a Dynamic Key List generator which is defined globally in your 2Checkout account, and is then assigned to each Product that you want connected to DNA.

The Dynamic Key List action will retrieve a new License Activation Code from the DNA Servers during the Ordering process.

To create a software_DNA Dynamic Key List :

  1. in the main menu, select Setup -> Fulfillment , and click on the Electronic Delivery tab
    in the Add New Code List section:
    • enter a name for the Code List (ex: software_DNA)
    • for List Type, choose Dynamic list option
    • click on Add
    Configuring Delivery Dynamic Key List


  2. in the Edit delivery code list page, click on Set URL to start a 4-step process that will validate the URL and save it:
    Configuring Delivery Dynamic Key List


    • Step 1: enter the following URL:

      For URL, please access via your DNA Control Panel account, or Register for a "No-Obligation" account at

      Note that the previous Avangate Connector URL continues to be supported

    • Step 2: chose SHA2 for the hashing algorithm
    • Step 3: choose one of your products for this validation, and
      enter Buyer info, or use default values and click on Step 4. Debug
      Validating Delivery Dynamic Key List URL
    • Step 5: once validated, click on Save / Change URL to complete the set-up.
      Confirmation of Delivery Dynamic Key List URL
    • The Dynamic Key List is now validated and can be assigned to the products you want connected to software_DNA.


To assign the Dynamic Key List to one of your products:

  • in the Main menu, select Setup -> Products, click on the Product, and click on the Fulfillment tab
  • for Product Fulfillment Type, choose Fulfillment made through 2Checkout delivery option
  • for Content & Methods:
    • for Delivery Content, choose Electronic code / key / binary file option
    • for Delivery Methods, choose By email & in 2Checkout myAccount option
      It is recommended to also choose the Instant Delivery in Thank You page option
  • in the Activation codes setting section, select the list previously created from the drop-down menu (ex: software_DNA)
  • click on SAVE at the bottom of that screen
  • note the 2Checkout Product ID displayed that will be used in the DNA Connector configuration
    Assign a Delivery Dynamic Key List to a product


Configuration of the IPN Notification

The IPN Notification allows for:

  • completing the setting of the License Activation Code parameters
  • increased pricing flexibility directly from your 2Checkout settings, allowing you to change your retail pricing in 2Checkout, add volume discount tables, add special promotions knowing that the software_DNA Activation Fee will be calculated correctly based on your latest pricing strategy.
  • for Subscriptions, this will allow Renewal notifications to be received by software_DNA

To set-up the IPN Notification for your account:

  1. in the Main menu, select the Integrations -> WebHooks & API, and click on the IPN Settings tab

    Adding IPN Notification
  2. note the 2Checkout Secret Key - this will be required to configure the DNA Connector

  3. click on Add IPN URL to add a IPN URL:

    • enter the DNA Connector URL

      For URL, please access via your DNA Control Panel account, or Register for a "No-Obligation" account at

    • select Allow concurrent request (faster notifications)
    • select SHA2 as hashing algorithm
    • click on Save :
    Setting IPN URL
  4. scroll down to the General IPN Settings -> Triggers section, and ensure the following are selected:
    • Authorized and Approved Orders (sent after Electronic Delivery)
    • Reversed and Refunded Orders
    Setting IPN Triggers
  5. scroll down to the Response Tags section, use the default selections and add the following fields:

    List of minimum fields required

    Setting IPN Tags
  6. click on Save/Update
  7. click on the WebHooks & API tab
    • scroll down to the Notifications section
    • from the Payment Notification Type drop-down list select IPN (Instant Payment Notification) or Email Text & IPN
    • click Update
    Setting IPN Tags


Configuration of the LCN Notification

The LCN Notifications are used to support 2Checkout Subscriptions and allows software_DNA to automatically ban/disable a license code once a 2Checkout Subscription is cancelled, or un-ban the License code if the Subscription is re-instated.

If you do not enable this option, then the License Code will still be valid and you would need to manually ban/disable the License Code yourself from the DNA Control Panel.

To enable the LCN Notification for your account:

  1. in the Main menu, select Integrations -> WebHooks & API and click on the LCN settings tab

    Adding LCN Notification
  2. click on Add LCN URL to add a LCN URL:

    • enter the DNA Connector URL

      For URL, please access via your DNA Control Panel account, or Register for a "No-Obligation" account at

    • select SHA2 as hashing algorithm
    • click on Save :
    Setting IPN URL
  3. scroll down to the General LCN Settings -> Triggers section, and ensure the following are selected:
    • license changes
    Setting IPN Triggers
  4. scroll down to the Response Tags section, use the default selections and add the following fields:
    • EMAIL
    • TEST
    • STATUS
    Setting IPN Tags
  5. click on Save/Update

See Testing your Configuration for details on how to test the notifications.